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Teaching is a time-honored and important profession, as it has always been those in the role of teaching that shaped young minds and forged our future. By that logic, it would be expected that only those properly suited for the job would end up in that position, right? Wrong. While there are many stand-out teachers who have defied expectations despite horrible pay and work conditions, many teachers hired are really not well suited for the job and sometimes cause more harm than good. If you are one of those people who have experienced bad teachers in the past, read on for a little validation! Some teachers just don’t belong in schools.
1. The Jobs On Which Society Is Built
People have a way of understating the importance of garbage men. Much like plumbers, just because they deal with the disgusting and undesirable doesn’t mean they themselves are that. In fact, I would argue they are incredibly deserving of our respect and appreciation for keeping the cities, towns, and locations where we live clean.

Fortunately, even if the teacher in this situation was being pretty obnoxious, the people who run the city know the importance of garbage men and pay them accordingly. This student had the last laugh and is contributing to society far more than his teacher ever did.