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Don’t you just love weddings? The romance of a wedding is very appealing to most people; the blushing bride, the beautiful dress, the happy guests – it’s all a dream come true, isn’t it? Well, most of the time. Planning a wedding is never a walk in the park. A lot of stress, sweat, and tears go into planning the perfect wedding day (not only on the bride’s side), and it doesn’t take much for things to go off the rails. People shared online some of the cringiest wedding mishaps they’ve seen, and we couldn’t help but pass it along. These moments will make you laugh, cry, and maybe even consider skipping the next wedding you’re invited to.

Can’t Put a Price on Love?
Your wedding day is priceless, a once-in-a-lifetime event where you dedicate yourself to your one true love in front of your closest friends and family, right? Well, maybe not for everyone. This bride-to-be had a monetary requirement for all of her guests, and it wasn’t cheap.

This person was unashamedly asking for wedding gifts over $250! We’re all for generosity, but this demand is a bit much. The recipient of these messages bluntly rejected the wedding invitation when they were told about the gift requirement. The bride said they were losing out, since she thought it was the event of the decade.