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There are some things in this world the truth is absolutely certain, like that the 1999 Mummy film is way better than the one from 2017. But other things are less clear-cut. To show what we mean, we’ve gathered examples around the web of people answering the question, “What’s something that other people don’t believe is definitely true?” Some of the answers are correct, some are incorrect, some are unclear, and some are a matter of opinion. What do you think? How many do you agree with? And how many do you think are totally wrong?
#1: Thanks for the Memories
What would you say if I asked you how reliable you think your memory is? If you think you remember something a certain way, how confident are you that it’s correct? Many people have confidence that their memories are accurate and reliable.

But there is a whole field of study dedicated to memory, and there is a lot of evidence to suggest that our memories aren’t as infallible as we think; over time, errors can creep in, leaving us utterly certain of something that is utterly certainly untrue.